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Girl Guiding Association

Brownies &

We meet on a Tuesday night and the building is bursting at the seams with some very excited girls.

We all do a range of craft activities / games / and other projects depending on the age of the girls. The Rainbows enjoy working together to earn badges, the Brownies enjoy many things - the noisier the better! 

If you are interested in your daughter joining Brownies or Rainbows, please visit the Girl Guiding website to register your daughter. You will see information there about vacancies in our groups.


If you have a child in Rainbows or Brownies and have a question for the leader, please contact them directly and not through this website.


Rainbows meet Tuesdays 6.15 - 7.15pm 

Brownies meet Tuesdays 6 - 7.30pm 


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